Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rest in Me

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High 
will rest the shadow of the Almighty.
Ps. 91:1

"Stop striving."  That is what God gently spoke to my heart last night.  "Trust Me," He whispered, because for the last few days, I haven't been trusting.  I haven't been resting.  I have been struggling and striving, taking things into my own hands, looking and searching and looking for Baby #2.  I have been  anxiously watching the clock as the time for us to be matched with another baby slips away. 

Let me explain how it works.  When adopting two babies from China at the same time, there is a very specific process and timeline.  It is a little bit complicated, but a simple explanation is that a family cannot be matched with Baby #2 until they are matched with Baby #1.  

In our case, the matching process of Baby #2 couldn't really begin until we were officially matched with Meilí on December 28, 2012.  We now have a very small window of time to find a second baby that would be a good fit for our family.  That window of time is from the day we submitted our request to China to adopted Meilí to the day China gives official approval to adopt her, which is about three weeks.  Our three weeks is up in eight days.  

Eight days to find a second baby, to review the file ourselves, to review the file with a pediatrician and with an international specialist, and then to submit a letter requesting to adopt this child.  A process that took two years with Meilí must be accomplished in eight days.

And to make matters more complicated, right now our agency isn't expecting to get any more files on babies available for adoption in the next few weeks, and, more than likely, China won't be adding new files of babies available for  adoption on their list until the end of the month.

So, basically, IT'S GOING TO TAKE A MIRACLE.  

But, praise God, He is in the miracle-making business!  And, I know, I KNOW, that if we are supposed to adopt two babies, He will do it, at JUST THE RIGHT TIME because NOTHING is too difficult for Him.

And so, once again, the Lord takes me back to the story of Peter on the water. He reminds me that when Peter had his eyes on Jesus, he did the impossible.  But as soon as he focused on his circumstances, he sank like a rock.  

For the last few days, I having been sinking, focused on my circumstances and not on Him.  I have forgotten that my circumstances are under HIS control.  But through the prayers of so many dear friends, I am remind that He is all I need.  That He has to be my focus.  That only when I dwell in Him will I have rest.  

So, for these next eight days, we wait.  Wait for God to move.  Wait for His miracle.  And when I reflect over our journey so far, all the miracles He has already done to bring us to this place, (in the words of a dear friend), "What's one more miracle, right??"  Yes, Josh, you are right, what's one more miracle for a God who is

El Elyon, the Most High God, sovereign over everything,

Jehovah-jireh, our Provider,

El Roi, the God who sees,

Jehovah-raah, our Shepherd,

El Shaddai, the All-Sufficient One.

So I will rest in Him.  I will focus on Him.  I will wait on Him.  I will remember what He is has already done and will claim His faithful promises for the future.  I am His, and He is mine, and He promises to worked it all out for our good.  Hallelujah, what a Savior.

"I will dwell in the shelter of the Most High God.
I will rest in the beauty of Your presence.
Your faithful is a shield and my great reward.
I will not be afraid.  I will trust in the Lord."

from Dwell by Aaron Keyes
Click here the listen to the song.

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