Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sweet Babies!

I will sing to the Lord because He has dealt bountifully with me.
Psalm 13:6

Oh, how we wish we could have been the ones to sing "Happy Birthday" to our sweet babies, but we treasure these pictures of them enjoying the cakes we requested for them!  There are no words to describe how much we love these two precious angels!

Happy Birthday, sweet baby boy!

Aaron Li is 3!

Happy Birthday, sweet baby girl!

Meili's Birthday Party!

Please pray for us as we anticipate traveling very soon to bring our babies home!!  We are asking the Lord to prepare Aaron Li's and Meili's heart as the transition will be difficult.  Our sweet babies will have to leave all that they have ever known to become part of our family.  Praying for God's grace and His peace that passes understanding as we bring them home!


  1. Omigoodness!! Your pictures are so, so sweet!!

    1. Thank you, Alicia! We are in love!!! God has given us two more precious, beautiful children, and we are so thankful!!

  2. Hi Ashley,
    My name is Martha Young and I spent the last week in the orphange your little boy is at. I have wonderful pictures and a video of him looking at the photo album you sent. It is precious! Please email me and I will give you more contact info. We also had a facebook page with lots of post and pictures. He is wonderful!!!!! my email is or friend request on FB
    Looking forward to hearing from you!
